Illinois Cognitive Resources Network

Dementia Friends Illinois Road Trips to Wisconsin

Dementia Friends is a global movement which encourages individuals to consider how they can support people in their communities who are living with dementia. Minnesota has been a leader in the Friends program, being the first state to have a Dementia Friends program in the United States. ICRN brought the initiative to Illinois about a year ago.

Now it’s Wisconsin’s turn to join the efforts. At their recent statewide conference, the Wisconsin Dementia Resource Network, invited Emily Farah-Miller of Minnesota and Susan Frick of Illinois to share their states’ efforts for a discussion as they look to begin their program.

Pictured Kathleen Smith, Susan Frick, Emily Farah-Miller, and Kate Kolwalski. Kathleen and Kate will be the Master Champions for their state as the roll out Dementia Friends Wisconsin.


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